medscheckAbout Medscheck

If you are taking five or more medicztions you may qualify for a FREE MedsCheck, a simple 30 minute consultation with one of our Pharmacists who will provide you with a comprehensive list of your medications inclcluding :

  • what they are used for
  • how they should be taken and stored
  • how they can effect other medical conditions

MedsCheck Program

The MedsCheck Program helps you better understand your medicines and makes sure you’re using them correctly.

If you take multiple medications you may be eligible for a MedsCheck. If you have been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes in the last 12 months, you may be able to have your medicines checked by your pharmacist under the Diabetes MedsCheck.

MedsCheck Program review

Your pharmacist may be able to review your medicines as part of the MedsCheck Program. This helps you better understand your medicines and makes sure you are using them correctly.

Under the MedsCheck Program, you may be eligible for a MedsCheck or Diabetes MedsCheck service. This is a review of your medicines by your pharmacist. This can help you better understand your medicines and make sure you are using them correctly. This is a free service that some pharmacists provide. Just ask your pharmacist.

You can only get one review per year.